Corn Nutrition

Healthy Foods



Corn Nutrition: Facts and Health Benefits
The nutritional value of corn or maize, is excellent as this sweet tasting, succulent vegetable provides a range of vitamins including vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C. It is very nutritious as it contains important nutrients which are essential to our health and well-being including potassium, protein, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.

Corn Nutrition: Nutritional Data and Facts
The word corn was the English word given to staple food. When Christopher Columbus arrived on the Caribbean Island of Cuba in 1492, he was given mais as a gift by the Native Americans. The Indians names this type of food mais but we commonly recognize it by the names of corn or maize. The name derived as this was the staple food for Indians. It is a tall North American cereal plant, otherwise known as Zea mays, that yields large kernels, or grains which are yellow in color and grow in rows on a cob. The corn cobs grow within closely fitted, long, green leaves.


Corn Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

  • Nutrition Fact: There are 5 types - popcorn, sweetcorn, dent, flint and flour corn
  • Sweetcorn is an ideal snack food for kids as it's bursting with nutritional benefits and has an appealing sweet and delicious taste! The nutritional value is high!
  • Nutrition Fact: It can be eaten on the cob or as kernels on the side!
  • Nutrition Fact: Maize originated from South America, it was a very important food source to the Native Americans as it has high nutritional value!
  • The Native Americans utilised the cereal plants using them to build shelters!


Corn Nutrition Calories and Carbs - Nutritional Benefits and Value

Sweetcorn is fairly low in calories and is fantastic as part of a controlled diet. It is a very healthy vegetable that is bursting with nutritional beneifts. The amount of calories and carbs in corn depends on the way that it is cooked, for example if it is fried, baked, grilled, bbq, stir-fried, steamed, or boiled. The following calorie guide can be used to calculate the amount of carbohydrates and calories:

Carbohydrates and Calories in Maize per 100 grams:

Boiled Baby Corn on the Cob Nutrition - 24 calories / 2.7g carbs
Corn on the Cob Nutrition - 110 calories / 18g carbs
Canned Corn Kernels Nutrition -  122 calories / 26.6g carbs
Frozen Corn Kernels Nutrition - 93 calories / 18.4g carbs

Corn Nutrition: History and Information
Corn was originally cultivated in South America. It was highly regarded by the Native Americans as it was a very important source of food that contained high nutritional value with an excellent, divine flavor. The Native Americans did not solely use corn for eating purposes as the corn plants had other great benefits! The plants were used for making fences and shelters! These cereal plants can grow to approximately 11 feet tall so they became hugely beneficial to natives. Planting and harvesting this vegetable was of extreme importance, and it became regarded as a necessity and a source of life!

Corn Nutrition: Picking and Storing to Maintain Vitamins and Nutrition
The fresher the better! Natural sugar starts to turn to starch once the vegetable has been picked. The husks should appear green with golden tassels. They should be matt-free and dirt-free. This vegetable should appear yellow, vibrant and plump. Avoid selecting limp or shriveled looking vegetables.

Corn Nutrition Cob Varieties
There are different types of corn - sweetcorn is corn on the cob. Baby corn is baby cobs of corn which are immature when picked. This variety is delicious in stir fry and are generally eaten whole.

Corn Nutrition: Preparing for Cooking and retaining Nutrition
When preparing this vegetable for cooking, remove the husks by carefully stripping them away. Use a knife to cut the corn away, slice downwards from top to bottom. This vegetable can be served on the cob or as kernels on the side.


Corn Nutrition: How to Boil Corn

Place the corn on the cob in a saucepan of salted boiling water. The cooking time will vary depending on the size of the cob. Generally, the cobs should be boiled for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Serve the corn when it becomes tender, with a little salt and butter.

This vegetable makes an excellent addition to salad, it accompanies tuna extremely well and it is an excellent food to serve alongside a variety of vegetables. This is an excellent lunchtime snack as it makes a healthy sandwich filler or salad addition which is packed full of benefits.


Health experts and nutritionists believe that a well-balanced diet that includes at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day will help to considerably improve our lifestyles and ultimately extend our lives

Corn Nutrition - Maize - Sweetcorn - Corn on the Cob - Facts - Nutritional Value - Information - Benefits - Info - Content - Data - Vegetable - Guide - Corn Nutrition - Health - Recipe - Calories - Healthy - Carbs - Carbohydrates - Nutrients - Vitamins - Facts - Nutritional Value - Information - Benefits - Corn Nutrition - Info - Content - Data - Vegetable - Guide - Health - Recipe - Calories - Healthy - Carbs - Carbohydrates - Nutrients - Vitamins - Corn Nutrition - Nutrition - Facts - Written By Sarah Johnstone

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